Department of Physical Planning


Mandate of the Department

To provide effective and efficient Physical Planning interventions to municipality Departments. The Department guides the municipality on the proper management and optimum utilization of the resources available

Core Functions of Physical Planning

The Core Functions include the following:

    • The Unit is responsible for planning, designing and managing municipality physical infrastructure including the zoning, land sub division and demarcating areas for development

    • Providing guidance on the design, infrastructural improvement and land development in the municipality.

    • To come up with a system for guiding, monitoring, and enforcing developments in the city in line with the applicable laws.

    • Plan, conduct surveying and mapping, delineate the areas for social infrastructure, establishment of geodetic control, quality, and survey of municipality land boundaries, production and printing of topographical maps

    • Plan and monitor the surveying, valuation, registration and administration of Land in the municipality and manage resolution of land disputes. Oversees development across the Municipality’s divisions


Kampala-Jinja Rd, Lugazi, Uganda
P.O.Box 111 Lugazi
Tel: +256(0)434 669 186 

Development partners
